Friday, May 29, 2009

Preparing for the Summer

If you didn't know, summer has a high activity volume for youth ministries. Finally school and sports are not as prominent (though still present) and we try to take advantage of that down time to mold students. This year is no exception. I'm finding that it is hard to keep up with all we are doing at the church and at home. July is full, I may be home for a whole 3 days in July but it should be a good busy.

We've all been sick for most or parts of this week. I think Naomi and I got the worst of it but I'm on the upswing...Naomi has a double ear infection. Her vocabulary is growing like mold on an old piece of bread...and all of it is just adorable, especially when she can't say the word right. The latest one was when she told me that she had an ear infection, infection being the tough word. I knwe what she was saying though.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Proud Daddy

Naomi gave up her pacifiers last week. It was sad to see her little lower lip quivering as she gave them to our Children's Pastor (we wrapped them up "to be given to needy babies"). But I was also so proud of her that she was brave enough to do it and has done a pretty good job since then of being content at nap time and bed time. I'm sure she misses them but she understands that her time with them is over.

Laurel keeps growing. She is able to hold up her head fairly well and continues to laugh histerically in her sleep. We've moved her in to her crib in her room, a tougher transition for Colleen and I then it was for her.

we've made our plans to be out in California in July. I'm sure we will make it to MABC on a Sunday and see old friends. We have loved being in Alexandria and contiinue to be excited about what God is doing at the church and in our lives.