Friday, August 15, 2008

In case you don't have a 2 year old

Then you need to know these things:

-They move all the time
-They touch everything
-They want their way all the time
-They don't understand it when you explain to them why throwing stuff at the TV is not ok
-They use their smiles and giggles to get away with ALOT
-Sometimes when they do something not so good but its really funny you laugh even though you don't want to encourage them to continue to do it

Monday, August 4, 2008


Colleen and I were at a fancy mall in Tyson's Corner this weekend seeing a movie and eating at California Pizza Kitchen and that mall was packed. It looked like it was December 23rd. No parking spaces to be found, traffic in the walkways, and we even had to wait to get in to CPK (which we usually don't). It sure doesn't seem like people's disposable income is disappearing, at least not this past Saturday.