Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wednesday Wonderings

I wonder...

Who invented All Night youth events

What makes people passionate about their faith

When Yahoo will open up their fantasy baseball leagues

Where Naomi and our soon to be born daughter will go to college. My suggestion is California Baptist University.

Why bbq sauce makes my tummy feel funny

How people can be so gullable to think that blowing themselves up and killing innocent/non combatants is actually pleasing to God.

If USC will beat Penn State by 20 or 30

A guy I went to high school and college with recently had a bad dirt bike accident. His family set up a blog to keep people informed and the results have been amazing. The Press-Enterprise published an article about social networks and prayer. Check it out. I think it is amazing when there are thousands of people praying as one.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wednesday Wonderings

I wonder...

Why the Bengals keep winning when they had a shot at a top 3 draft pick

Who else the Yankees will sign

What Naomi will like best this Christmas

When I'll get to go to a game at the new Yankee Stadium

Where I'll be on inaguration day

How jealous Red Sox fans are now

If it makes them feel better to say CC and Teixeria are bad players...they would have loved to have

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wednesday Wonderings

I wonder...

Why professional athletes ever say it's not about the money

Which professional athlete EVER took less money to go somewhere or stay where he was

Where teams get that kind of money from

When the Dodgers will make a move that makes resigning Furcal

Who is qualified to be an agent, if my girls ever go pro in something...I'll be their agent

What people in the rest of the world think when some American playing a game makes as much as their GNP

How tall my girls will be

If they'll be interested in soccer

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Prayer Need

I heard through the grapevine abotu a guy I knew in College who had a major injury. If you have a moment, please pray for them.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Update and Wednesday Wonderings

So everyone is back to normal. Colleen is hydrated again and eating solid foods. I actually got my stiches out Monday and am finally down to a small ace bandage along with the brace. No blood clots for me. I'll start Physical Therapy soon. Naomi had some friend sover this morning and they all decorated gingerbread houses, wish I could have been there to watch her, she is adorable.

I wonder...

What I would have ever learned about World War 2 without video games

Who thinks it's weird to have a soon to be preseident that smokes. With all the info out there about cancer it's amazing anyone still smokes, it's like playing russian roulette with a fully loaded are gonna lose.

If you saw the tool on that shows what the highest paid baseball players make compared to yoru salary and how many years you would have to work to make their annual salary.

How many people are excited about American car companies making huge gaudy cars, that nobody is buying, with our tax money

When our daughter will really arrive. The C-Section has been scheduled for Janaury 31st, but these little ones have minds of their own

Where I could go and have a better church family (pretty much nowhere, this one has been amazing, especially this past week or 2)

Why God is so patient with humanity

Saturday, December 6, 2008


This past week was a little crazy. It kind of was just a blur for the whole week up until the last 24 hours. After my surgery on Saturday I was pretty much out of it until I stopped taking the Percacet. the pain wasn't bad and the meds made me dizzy so stopping taking them wasn't a problem. The "fun" has really been in the last 24 hours though. Friday Colleen had an appointment check up at 10:30am, Naomi had a follow up appointmant at 11:10am and I had an appointment to look at some bruising on my leg at 12:30, in Maryland. SO we ran around like chickens with our heads cut off. We have set a date for Colleen's Cesarian, January 31st, 2009. Our 2nd daughter will be born then unless she has plans of her own! Naomi wouldn't pee in the cup like they needed so Colleen will have to take a sample to them on Monday or Tuesday. After my appointment I was ordered to get a blood clot test later in the day, at 5pm. So we made it home long enough for Colleen to grocery shop and Naomi to nap. My test came out normal but I have another follow up this Monday and get my stiches out this next Friday. Colleen woke up sick last night and has been in and out of the water closet all morning. We were kind of laughing about it, I guess Naomi has to take care of her parents this weekend!