Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday blogger

I think Mondays will have to be when I post, I have to set a time or I will forget. Last night we did a Youth let evening worship. I thought it went well, no major oops and a lot of good drama and music.

I tried to play softball last week and I think I re injured my hamstring, stinky, but the good news was that I found that I can still hit! I am going to a rehabilitation/sports medicine doctor and it looks like that will continue for at least a couple more weeks. It is hard for me to be restricted from running or moving fast. I even like walknig fast.

Last thing, my mother in law is in town, which is good. We get along great and I am thankful that we don't have a weird or difficult relationship. She'll be here for a little more than a week more and then head back to Seattle. So far it has been a good visit, I think we are heading in to DC Thursday.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Double duty

So we just opened up a new website for our students which is set up like a blog too. I am pretty poor at making regualr posts so I am going to have to take it up a notch!
One exciting note is that we are going to get together with my whole family this August at my sister's house in Michigan and just a couple weeks after that visit, we will get together with all of Colleen's famliy for a wedding. We have felt pretty fortunate to have seen our families as often as we have but getting everyone seen and Naomi spoiled all in one month will be great!

Had a parents meeting this past Sunday that I thought went well, nobody threw anything at me and lots of people smiled (but not so much at my jokes). This is a great gruop of students and parents, I'm looking forward to working with them for a long time

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Since we last spoke...I pulled my hamstring (lots of bruising too). I hate injuries like this, I rely on my legs for so much. I am supposed to be playing on a soccer team and a softball team and now I am relegated to cheerleader. I am hoping I can be back in about a month, we'll see.

This week we are finishing our interviews for the summer intern. I think we will have decided by the end of the week. I am excited, I have had interns before but not as full time employees. It will be interesting to see how it all works out. Little do they know that they will get a free trip to Hawaii as a part of the package (choir tour).

My bloggin skills are weak, I'll work on building them up for the 2 people who read this blog.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Out Sick

So I had the flu for almost a week. I can't remember having a fever for so many consecutive days. I have been fever free since Sunday but the energy level is still low. I did get some exciting news just before bowing to the flu...the interior design of the youth area at the church is almost finished. Once we get it nailed down we can start work on it. All of the AV equipment is in and set up, now if I could only teach everyone to use it like I want them to...