Monday, September 29, 2008

So no Dog

So we wnt with no dog, at least for a maybe 10 years.

Maybe I don't understand how the economy works, but I have doubts that giving all taxpayers an additional 700 BILLION dollar debt to pay off is the best we can do. We, America, are a dumb college student who applies for a credit card and uses it to get everything they want only to find out that you actually have to pay it back! So who will do the collecting on us? I say just let the people who benefited the most on these houses pull a little out of their enormous pockets and bail out the million people who are unable to pay for their house. Could we just spend a billion or 2 and have the gov't buy those houses and then resell them or rent them out? Well, either way this "bailout" seems like we are doing all we can to ensure the safety and well being of the very people who got fat on those crazy loans. The proposal won't sell my house, it won't raise the value of it (which is now less than when we bought it 3 years ago), and it won't give us any money to cover whatever awful amount of money we'll have to pay to get it sold. Maybe I can convice the gov't to bail us out of our debt too?!

Monday, September 22, 2008

New little girl

We found out that we are having a little girl. And we found out that potty training isn't over after a week of success. Joseph mentioned that I haven't updated my blog in a while so this one is just for you Joseph, if you actually read it.

To say that I want a dog would be an gross understatement. After having to give up our 2 dogs prior to moving here I have had to take a break from dogs, too many memories. The topic came up agin this weekend in our house. Colleen likes the security a dog provides on nights I am out later or gone and I like the companionship and fun factor that comes with a dog. So there is a remote possibility that we will be dog owners again. Remote because there are lots of obstacles. Puppy or no puppy...that is potty train a toddler and a puppy or just a toddler. You also have the added difficulty of finding places to rent that allow pets, this is further complicated because we want to have a German Shepherd which is looked on about as highly as a pit bull, mostly by people who have never owned one. German Shepherds are brilliant dogs and gentle, but you wouldn't want to see what would happen if you kicked one. Naomi was born in to a home with a 100 pound German Shepherd and loved him. Her first word besides mommy and daddy was Dodger, his name. So we weigh the benefits and the challenges. Your thoughts?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back in the flow

We spent most of August traveling. First we went to Michigan to be with my parents and my brother and sister and all our families. We had a great time at Niagra Falls and at the Tiger game. I learned that the best route to Canada includes lots of U turns, well maybe not the best way. 

We also went to Seattle for Colleen's sister's wedding. It was a perfect day for an outside wedding and I thought the service was great. This past weekend I was at a Labor Day Retreat with the students. I am finally back home now for a while, no more long weekends or week long trips, at least not the rest of this year.

Naomi continues to amaze me. She understands so much and has really added to her vocabulary recently. If you haven't met her, come out to the DC area and you can!