I've seen a couple movies these last few weeks that I hadn't seen before, so I thought I would give you a non spoiler review of them.
The first one was Cloverfield. I didn't go see it in the theatre because I didn't think I could handle the hand held camera action. It was tamer than I thought and the movie was interesting, which means it was better than I thought it would be. It is not, however, Godzilla 2 just in case you thought it was or are expecting it to be.
Another new movie we saw for our anniversary was Ironman. Good movie. Great action sequence and Robert Downey Jr. actually was believeable. I'm already looking forward to the next movie in the series.
May is a great movie month. This weekend we are taking about 100 people from church to see Prince Caspian. It's funny because there are more teenage girls interested in this one (Prince Caspian is "hot" and British) than were interested in the first one.
Botswana Day 9 & 10
14 years ago